Wikipedia has a bit of background on Cilaos embroidery. The Guild's description of this cutwork embroidery says:
Christine had very generously prepared fabric for us - cut ready to start. There was a choice of a heavier or finer fabric. I went with the heavier.
We did the preparation in class - folding back the cut sections and overstitching them, before tacking the linen to calico to mount it in a hoop and removing the short cut threads in the dividing sections.
Then we began the process of laying the threads - from one edge, through the middle threads where they are secured with knots and over to the other edge.
The design is then woven between the laid threads. We used a DMC Cordonnet No 10 for all work on this heavier fabric. Those working on the finer fabric used a DMC 40.
It requires quite a lot of concentration. I needed to check my steps a number of times with Christine - who is patient, spots errors at a glance and always has a solution.
As this is the last Workshop for the year, there was a shared lunch with a lot of relaxed discussion.
Nevertheless, we got back into stitching in the afternoon.
As I have a number of unfinished products from recent workshops I really wanted to finish this one, so continued working on it over the weekend. I got this first motif finished the same night - but had to undo a bit the next morning.
As I progressed the work I realised the trickiest bit, for me at least, is achieving an even tension. It is not easy to ensure each section is as tight as the last.
I finished the motifs on Sunday, then embarked on buttonholing the edge.
My motifs are not even - but I have improved as I went along and could, I think, improve significantly with finer thread and fabric (assuming I can see to do it!).
Today I constructed the pincushion, using an ecru linen.
It is a bit wonky- a beginner's piece. It will, however, act as a record of the class and a guide to the technique. I'd be able to work out how to make it more even and precise in future efforts.
Once again, I am grateful for the chance to attend the workshop, to Christine for her knowledge, skill, commonsense, generosity and patience and my fellow students for their companionship and sharing.