Last year I managed Melchior,
the first of three Mill Hill kits of the Magi in time for Christmas. I am pleased to say I have added Balthasar in time for this Christmas. Casper just might have to wait another year!

For this one, I worked a few of the beads, then did most of the un-beaded cross-stitch, partly because I did it while away with our eldest two grandchildren for a few days last week, and I am concerned about spilling the beads while working in a motel.

Once again, I found this work very hard on my wrist, and did most of the work with my wrist-brace on.
The trick with this work, as for most cross-stitch, is to get the sense of the pattern and follow that, checking back with the chart, rather than having to follow the chart for every stitch. Even so, I found this took me quite a lot of hours to complete.

I backed him in purple felt.
Our Christmas Tree this year is a plum tree growing in a pot. It looks really splendid. Our grandchildren also decorated the frangipani, cherry and bay trees growing outside the window, so we have a Christmas Environment!
Balthasar has joined Melchior inside on the Plum Christmas Tree.
I am hoping to make at least one more post before Christmas Day - and a host of posts after, of the Christmas presents I have been stitching, but can't make public!
This is Happy Christmas Number One.