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Saturday, February 18, 2023

When you're on a good thing...

The 90 stars bag worked so well I decided to try a variation, this time for a 20th birthday. While 20 figures are a lot less than 90, I decided to make these all different sea creatures - so increased the challenge, while reducing the number. I had enough of the shells fabric left to make the front of a bag. This time I tried a different construction. I cut two large rectangles, one in the shell fabric and one in a brown linen, joined them, then folded and stitched down sides and a base - a much simpler technique. Because I was experimenting I did the construction first, then the embroidery.

For the most part that worked well. It is a neater result on the corners than I get cutting separate strips for the sides and bottom.

Great care has to be taken in mounting it into a hoop to embroider. It is easy to catch an extra edge of fabric under the hoop, as I discovered to my detriment. 
To begin, I made a sketch of 20 sea-related things I might include. This acted as a rough guide, rather than a blueprint.

I began with a leafy sea dragon.

Then worked whichever took my fancy. 

really enjoy creating these little figures. It's fun to work out what might fit the project and how to create it. For these I mostly used linen thread, but a bit of variegated stranded as well.
Construction was relatively easy because I had the exterior before stitching. I tried a couple of linings, but settled for the same cotton I had used for the 90th birthday bag, since I had enough and the colours work well.

The back is a light brown linen, one handle is in the linens, one in the cotton lining.
I think it's a useful bag with a bit of a story.
I ordered some more half-metres of Ink and Spindle linens while they were on sale. I seem to now have enough for another 16 bags! Better get designing!

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