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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

SashikoTote Embroidery

This kit was a present for my birthday in January, and I am trying to stay on top of kits as I get them, rather than adding to my much-too-large stash, so once I finished the fourth Evil Eye Mandala, I got to work on this one.

The kit consists on a single piece of Shima fabric, a piece of interfacing exactly the same size, lining fabric a little larger to allow for a pocket, thread and a woven strap. Instructions are brief, mostly amounting to suggestions. Suits me.

My first problem was finding my sashiko needles. I had one I was using on my tablecloth project, and  I knew I had a packet somewhere..... Eventually I gave in and bought some more. Create in Stitch was waiting on a shipment but Riverlea Quilts had a supply. A couple of days later I realised I had a good set of sizes in the harp I had made with Jenny Aiden Christie back in 2019! They would probably benefit from use!

In the meantime, I had begun rows of running stitch straight along one edge - an easy feat to accomplish while talking or being Desk Hostess at the Guild.
Circles were a bit more challenging. I dug out a circle-maker (far left) that you anchor in the centre with a pin, then insert a chalk pencil into the relevant hole and rotate, but the chalk kept breaking. The colour wheel proved more useful.  I used it to make three concentric circles using the outer edge and the top and bottom of the cut-out sections, then drew circles in between freehand.

I varied them, single row, 

triple, and overlapping.

I have now added some more straight lines and finished the embroidery. Construction should be relatively straightforward, but I mislaid the magnet closure and am awaiting a replacement. I'm also thinking of adding an adjustment buckle in the woven strap.


      Rather than wait for these I will post this and add the construction story later.

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